Six AGORA Members Named Highly Cited Researchers in 2023.

Six AGORA members are part of the list of “Highly Cited Researchers” 2023 by Clarivate / Web of Science.

In recognition of their outstanding contributions to academia, six distinguished members of the AGORA community have been acknowledged in Clarivate’s 2023 Highly Cited Researchers list. Our heartfelt congratulations go to Prof. Coukos, Prof. De Palma, Prof. Gottardo, Prof. Joyce, Prof. Michielin, and Prof. Pittet for achieving this prestigious honor, reaffirming their positions as leaders in their respective fields.

(C) Clarivate 2023

This coveted accolade, as detailed on Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers website, is reserved for scholars whose scholarly outputs have not only left a profound impact but have also garnered substantial recognition within the academic community. This acknowledgment is substantiated by a series of papers that have achieved a citation rate within the top 1% for their field and year, meticulously recorded in the esteemed Web of Science™ database.

More news via EPFL