Bioengineering & Organoids Technology platform – BET
The Bioengineering & Organoids Technology platform is a new platform of EPFL School of Life Sciences that is currently being established in the AGORA Cancer Research Center in Lausanne.
Histology Facility – HF
The Histology Facility (HF) at AGORA is a specialized histology platform dedicated to providing comprehensive histological analysis services. As a branch of the HF Epalinges platform, it offers a wide range of histology services and equipment to research groups affiliated with AGORA. These services encompass various histological techniques and analyses. Additionally, the facility is committed to supporting research endeavors by providing access to advanced equipment for self-service.
Flow cytometry Facility – FCF
The Flow Cytometry Facility at the University of Lausanne was created in January 2011. We are currently equipped with 16 analytical flow cytometers and 5 cell sorters located on 2 sites (Biopole SE-D in Epalinges at the CLE campus and in the Agora Cancer Center at the CHUV Bugnon campus).
Translational Data Science – Facility
We work at the interface between data science and cancer immunology, with the goal to help scientists exploit large data efficiently. Our group provides the statistics, bioinformatics and computational expertise to molecular biology and applied research labs. We are part of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and are physically located in the AGORA Cancer Research Center in Lausanne.
In Vivo Imaging Facility – IVIF
The In Vivo Imaging Facility (IVIF) offers state-of-the-art, non-invasive, multimodal in vivo imaging services (MRI, microCT, in vivo bioluminescence/fluorescence, Intravital 2-photon microscopy, Radiotherapy, PET/CT and ultrasound) for the study of preclinical pathological models in live animals. The platform is directly integrated into the AIVC in the same controlled sanitary space, which allows the mice to be housed for the duration of their follow-up under optimum sanitary and regulatory conditions, as well as satisfying “Reduce” and “Refine” of the “3Rs” rule for animal experimentation.
Cellular Imaging Facility – CIF
The CIF platform, created in 2003 thanks to a partnership between UNIL and the CHUV, is currently composed of four antennas located at Bugnon 9 (CIF Bugnon), at Dorigny (CIF Dorigny), on the Epalinges site (CIF Epalinges) and, as of 2018, in the AGORA research centre (CIF AGORA). The mission of the CIF platform is to meet the needs of researchers in the field of optical imaging, covering wide-field optical microscopy (fluorescence and transmission), confocal microscopy, ion imaging and videomicroscopy, as well as the processing and analysis of digital images.
AGORA In Vivo Center – AIVC
The AGORA AIVC is part of the FBM animal facilities and is supervised by the FBM Veterinarian-in-Charge/ Head of the facility. The Veterinarian is responsible for the health care and welfare of the animals as well as the husbandry practices. Under the supervision of the veterinarian, all those involved are specifically trained and committed to the internationally recognised “3R” principles, which state that animal experiments can only be carried out if there are no suitable alternative methods.