Flow cytometry Facility – FCF
The Flow Cytometry Facility at the University of Lausanne was created in January 2011. We are currently equipped with 16 analytical flow cytometers and 5 cell sorters located on 2 sites (Biopole SE-D in Epalinges at the CLE campus and in the Agora Cancer Center at the CHUV Bugnon campus).

The FCF platform has several key missions::
- Provide researchers with access to high-end multi-parameter flow cytometry instruments for sorting, analysis and flow cytometry imaging analysis.
- Support users by performing sorting service on 5-laser instruments.
- Train researchers to perform independent sorting on the Sony SH800 instrument. All sorters are located in a P2 area.
- Offer training on basic and advanced flow cytometry theory, data analysis and presentation, experimental planning and panel design, as well as data troubleshooting for all FCF users.
The FCF offers training and access for self-use of analytical instruments located in P1 and P2 areas. These include:
- BD Symphony A5
- BD Fortessa.
- BD LSR II (5-laser BD instruments)
- Gallios (3 lasers)
- 3X CytoFlex (4 or 5 lasers)
- Sony SH800 self-operated cell sorter
Additionally, the FCF staff offers sorting performed on the following 5-laser instruments:
- MoFlow Astrios
- FACS Aria II