Research projects

Our mission & objectives

As affiliate of the Swiss Cancer Center Leman (SCCL), the Patient Lab innovates and promotes a transdisciplinary partnership with cancer patients, caregivers, and public representatives at all stages of research and development of new or improved models of support and care.

Affiliating the Patient Lab with the existing SCCL research & clinical platforms aims to

  • empower each other's innovation through cutting edge interactions between researchers, patients and the public
  • improve public and patient involvement in research activities, and thus their adherence to studies
  • develop and enhance joint PPI capacities
  • enable the development of transdisciplinary oncology research projects that deliberately and systematically involve public and patients, and lead to quality improvement initiatives in clinical care

Initially, the Patient Lab focuses on the development of Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) and Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) in cancer research and care.

The SCCL-PPI model

The SCCL-PPI model has been developed based on a literature review that was conducted to identify existing frameworks in cancer research internationally.

Nine models from seven different countries were taken into consideration - leading us to propose a model that is adapted to the specific needs of our local context: French-speaking Switzerland.

To learn more about the development of the SCCL-PPI model, we invite you to take a look at our website as well as the article we published in the Revue Médicale Suisse.

STAGES: Patients and the public can be involved at all stages of the research process, and in one or more phases of a research project .

LEVELS: In the context of the SCCL-PPI model, and based on the type of research envisioned, we define 4 different levels of patient involvement in research.

TYPES & ROLES: Patients' roles vary according to the contributions a patient is able to offer. To use patient knowledge to the best effect, ways must be found to convert the diversity of individual experience into the closest representation of a typified patient perspective. The patient voice must be a blend of collective and personal experiences. A way to overcome this is to include more than one patient and covering more than one type of involvement.

CAPABILITIES & CAPACITY: Furthermore, the decision regarding the stage, level, and type of involvement requires a careful evaluation of the capabilities of the patients as well as the capacity of the research group or organization.


Manuela Eicher

Associate Professor, Academic Co-Lead of the Patient lab, Director of the Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare (IUFRS), University of Lausanne (UNIL), Nurse Research Consultant, Department of Oncology (DO), Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)


Other members

Selected Publications

Development of an eHealth-enhanced model of care for the monitoring and management of immune-related adverse events in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors.

da Silva Lopes AM, Colomer-Lahiguera S, Darnac C, (...), Addedo A, Michielin O, Eicher M

Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer – 2023 Jul 22

Patient and public involvement in cancer research: A scoping review.

Colomer-Lahiguera S, Steimer M, Ellis U, (...), Tompson M, Corbière T, Haase KR

Cancer medicine – 2023 Jun 16

Patient-reported outcomes in adoptive cell-therapy trials: mind the gap.

Ghisoni E, Morotti M, Colomer-Lahiguera S, (...), Coukos G, Trueb L, Di Maio M

Journal for immunotherapy of cancer – 2022 Dec 18

Patients’ experiences with cancer care in Switzerland: Results of a multicentre cross-sectional survey.

Arditi C, Eicher M, Colomer-Lahiguera S, (...), Duchosal M, Peters S, Peytremann-Bridevaux I

European journal of cancer care – 2022 Sep 21

A Narrative Review on the Collection and Use of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes in Cancer Survivorship Care with Emphasis on Symptom Monitoring.

van den Hurk CJG, Mols F, Eicher M, (...), Howell D, Basch EM, van de Poll-Franse LV

Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.) – 2022 Jun 17

[Patient involvement in oncology research – Development of a reference framework in French-speaking Switzerland].

Colomer-Lahiguera S, Corbière T, Reeb-Landry F, (...), Ninane F, Addeo A, Eicher M

Revue medicale suisse – 2022 Mar 30

Patient-reported outcomes for monitoring symptomatic toxicities in cancer patients treated with immune-checkpoint inhibitors: A Delphi study.

Da Silva Lopes AM, Colomer-Lahiguera S, Mederos Alfonso N, (...), Addeo A, Michielin O, Eicher M

European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) – 2021 Sep 15

Patient-reported outcome instruments used in immune-checkpoint inhibitor clinical trials in oncology: a systematic review.

Colomer-Lahiguera S, Bryant-Lukosius D, Rietkoetter S, (...), Orcurto A, Juergens R, Eicher M

Journal of patient-reported outcomes – 2020 Jul 16

Adapting a peer-led self-management program for breast cancer survivors in Switzerland using a co-creative approach.

Schmidt F, Ribi K, Haslbeck J, (...), Urech C, Holm K, Eicher M

Patient education and counseling – 2020 Apr 17

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